The Cs of our life

Barakha Agrawal
3 min readJan 6, 2022

As they say Change is inevitable, this New Year I decided to get the C out of the word Change and see how is our life impacted by multiple Cs lying in the world. I realized and all shall agree too, the first C, which comes in our mind and had the biggest impact, is the big word CORONA. Due to this Catastrophe, thousands of families were scattered in last 2 years, and it is still not gone away, but back with a new version. And here we are, again locked inside our homes; children are barred from going to school, forbid from playing with their friends, living the life with restrictions and behind the masks.

During this difficult time again, instead of cursing this ‘C’, I decided to look back into the past 2 years, and talk about many other Cs which this Cruel C(orona) has brought into our lives with some positive impacts, and encouraged people to look at life from a different perspective. Let us have a closer look into these Cs, which have brought the change we always desired for.

Care — is something, every human being in this world loves to get. From children to adult, everyone in the world would like to have someone who takes intense care of you. During the pandemic, we all have become much more caring for our loved one. Good to feel special no!

Control- We have started taking control of our own lives in terms of health, fitness, happiness and the mental stability. We started taking responsibility for ourselves, our health and every area of our life. When you take control, you become more productive and more optimistic. Some controls are not really restrictions!

Communicate- Did you ever talk this much to your parents, your spouse, your kids or any other family member, what you did in these 2 years, just being with them. Not only the family interaction, have we also started connecting with our old friends (after years) via multiple social channels. I did so, almost after 20 years!

Collaboration — We started putting the teamwork everywhere. Children started understanding their parents’ jobs, husbands started appreciating their wives for the contribution in the household work and not sitting idle as they think, wives started understanding about the hectic meeting scheduled of their husbands, and parents started knowing about the educational activities their kids are involved in(poor kids are highly occupied). Ahh..a lot of understanding and collaboration!

Comfort — Not to forget the comfort we have received with working from home. I am sure there would be many complaints about WFH with lots of additional responsibilities but if you look back, you will find many of us always wanted this life, where you can be at home with your kid, spend time with your spouse, avoid the travel etc. Most of us may not like this routine now, and want to go back to work, but it was always great to get a feel of this experience. So when you get a chance to go back to work, you will never complain about not getting time to spend at home as you had enough of it right?

A long list to go and can’t write everything out here but we can still utilize many other C’s in our life though Covid did not bring them. Have Courage to follow your dreams. Be Curious to ask anything in the world. Be Calm to handle the difficult situations. Live Carefree. Be Capable and help the needy. Celebrate the smallest achievements. Always Circle around positive people. Stay Connected with your loved ones. Complement others and yourself and last but not the least, stay Careful with every new strain of the virus :)

