Driving Seat- Always a call for the Men

Barakha Agrawal
3 min readMay 13, 2020

Learn to make round Rotis first and then come to driving….God bless the people on the road, if you are driving…Honey, you are having a Chauffeur like me, why do you need to drive…Why the hell ladies come on the road with a car…Auntyji can you move your car aside and let me go…I don’t want to die so soon, please let me drive…

How many times in your life have you heard or made such comments? Difficult to count right? Do you realize the impact of these comments on the mindset of society and the future generations? Not really…

Driving is liberating but driving as a woman is stressful and hard. Here are some of my observations on the streets, and the most stereotypical thoughts:

Women are slow drivers- Driving seems like a god gift for men, they can swerve through the roads in full speed, overtake from any directions and blame a woman driver for following the lane discipline and blocking their way.

Women drivers are confused-There are so many mirrors in the car, women are distracted while driving and do not know what to use the mirrors for. Just to let you know, women are good at multitasking and can very well use the mirrors for multipurpose (can see the vehicle coming behind and at the same time, check on her lipstick)

Women can’t park well-When you see a car parked wrongly, the immediate thought, which comes to your mind is, some woman must have parked this. Really? Have you never seen men parking wrongly, specially the cab drivers (who are meant to be the experts)

Overtaking-Few people take it personally when a woman driver overtakes them. How dare she? Next time make sure your little daughter is not sitting next to you when you think so and pass any comment.

Surprisingly, all these comments do not only come from the men but also from some women. So, what are we going to do about this, I am not going to ask the women reader here to prove the society that you are a good driver. You may not be able to change the mentality of the people who are programmed to believe that women are bad drivers. Instead, I am going to ask you to take the advantage of it… want to know how?

If you are driving slow and everyone around thinks that you are the cause of the traffic jam, just don’t give it a damn shit, increase the volume of the music and enjoy the time you are on the road. You are not going to reach any early even if you react and try to do the opposite…When you see a “how dare she” look on a man’s face when you overtake, just show him the middle finger and enjoy the ride to your office. Trust me you will be smiling all along the day and your day in the office would be much more productive… Next time when you find that your husband is not allowing you to drive but still says, I am the one who always drives- give him an ear to ear grin and tell him that, by letting him drive, you are just delegating some part of the work, which you think he will be able to do…. If you are trying to park a car and some man is giving you a weird look or may be smiling, just stop the vehicle and ask him to park it for you. You will get time to settle down yourself when he is doing the job for you.

Remember if a woman can drive the most complex and delicate things in the world called home and kids, she can very well drive any other thing in the planet. So next time when you see a woman not driving properly, she may just not be taking this as one of the priority in her list….or if you find a woman asking you for the help in parking and taking the car out, it may not always mean that she is not able to do, but she might be just utilizing the conventional mindset of the society.

